Sacramental Preparation Programs

Sacrament of Baptism for Infants is scheduled when parents call the office to make arrangements.  Parents must be registered, active parishioners of the parish for atleast 6 months before the Baptism will be scheduled.  The baptism requires atleast 1 Catholic Godparent that is a registered, practicing Catholic at his/her parish and has recieved all 3 sacraments of Baptism, Communion and Confirmation.  (If the Godparent is not a member of our Church, a sponsor certificate will need to be sent from the church they are a registered, active parishioner.)


First Reconciliation & First Communion Preparation is held during the 2nd grade year.  Preparation takes place within the school day for children that attend St. Anthony School & within PSR for our children that attend other schools along with a few evening classes.  First Reconciliation classes begin in November & First Communion classes begin in March/April.  Mark your Calendar for a Parent Information Meeting on Tuesday, November 5th at 6:15 pm! If you have any questions, contact Kathleen Obermiller at


Confirmation Preparation is held during the 8th grade year or High School. Preparation takes place every other Sunday morning beginning at 8:15 am.  Class will be from 8:15 am – 9:45 am & then all Confirmandi will attend Mass from 10 am – 11 am.  Classes begin in October.  Mark your Calendar for a Parent Information Meeting on Sunday, October 27th at 9 am before the 10 am Mass! If you have any questions, contact Kathleen Obermiller at Adults wishing to be confirmed, please call the Parish Office, 440-288-0106.


The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, “RCIA”, is for those adults seeking to become Christians and for those Christians seeking to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church.  Contact the Parish Office for more information, 440-288-0106


Sacraments for Older Children is a program for those children age 7 and older who have not been baptized or have been baptized in another denomination, or have been Baptized Catholic, but have never practiced the faith. It is based on the RCIA.


Sacrament of Marriage is scheduled when the couple makes arrangements atleast 6 months in advance with the priest.  Either the soon-to-be bride or groom must be a registered, active parishioner of the church.  No date may be reserved until discussion with the priest of the parish.